Black History
Learn Black History of Switzerland

Vincent O. Carter
Vincent O. Carter was born in Kansas City in 1924 and earned a degree from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He lived in Paris, Munich, and Amsterdam before settling in Bern Switzerland, where he spent the rest of his life.

James Baldwin
James Baldwin spent the winters of 1952 and 1953 in Leukerbad, Switzerland, working on his novel "Go Tell it on the Mountain". In his essay "Stranger in the Village" he tells his experiences in Leukerbad. The essay was translated in German language "Ein Fremder im Dorf".

The collection of images in Memories remembers Black life in Switzerland and draws attention to Black Switzerland.

who is afraid?
The 90-minutes performance deals with the Black reality of racist police violence in Switzerland -- Helvetzide.

Black Artists and Cultural Workers in Switzerland
On 9. June 2020, we, more than 60 Black art and cultural workers across Switzerland, collectively penned an open letter.

The racist art in the Wylergut school building
It is through the work of anti-racist organizers who brought to light this racist violence and took action to remove this trash, that we can now celebrate.

No Apologies
A Film by: Aladin Dampha / Ebuka Anokwa / Lionel Rupp / Lucas Grandjean / Lucas Morëel / Mamadou Bamba